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The visitors: | |||||
Prof. Yi-Bin Hu from Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, visited our group and discussed with us. | 2021.10.07 | ||||
Prof. Yi-Yang Sun from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a report titled "稀元化合物——无机功能材料开发的新途径". | 2021.09.14 | ||||
Prof. Dong Han from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a report titled "缺陷形成能计算". | 2021.08.19 | ||||
Prof. Yun-Peng Wang from Central South University, delivered a report titled "磁性二维材料的顺磁态的电子结构". | 2021.05.20 | ||||
Prof. Jie Ren from Tongji University, visited our group and discussed with us. | 2021.04.08 | ||||
Prof. Feng-Jiao Zhang from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a report titled "有机半导体分子组装". | 2021.01.04 | ||||
Prof. Qing-Bo Yan from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a report. | 2020.11.10 | ||||
Prof. Yun-Peng Wang from Central South University, delivered a report titled "非晶态石墨烯的理论计算". | 2020.09.07 | ||||
Prof. W.A.Hofer from Newcastle University, UK visited our group and attended our group metting. | 2019.05.11 | ||||
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. | 2019.02.26 | ||||
Prof. Sokrates T. Pantelides from Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and disccussed with us. | 2018.12.11-2018.12.13 | ||||
Prof. Harold Handvliet from University of Twente, Netherlands visited our group and delivered a report titled "Germanene: graphene's little sister". | 2018.11.27 | ||||
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. | 2018.11.13-2018.11.16 | ||||
Prof. Zhi-Chuan Xu from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore visted us and delivered a report titled "A brief introduction on Pt electrochemistry: the story behind nanosizing". | 2018.11.15-2018.11.16 | ||||
Prof. Matthias Batzill from University of South Florida, USA visited our group and delivered a report titled "A Journey through Flatlands: Defects, Interfaces, and Properties of 2D-Materials". |
2018.11.7- 2018.11.9 |
Dr. Jun-Hao Lin from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science visited ougroup and discussed with us. |
2016.10.17- 2016.10.19 |
Prof. Fuchs Harald Heinz from Muenste University, Germany visited our group and discussed with us. |
2016.08.19- 2016.08.26 |
Dr. Zhu-Jun Wang from Fritz Haber Institute of Max Planck Society, Germany visited our group and discussed with us. |
2016.08.17- 2016.08.19 |
Cheng Xiao from Amazon Lab216, USA visited our group and discussed with us. |
2016.08.01- 2016.08.03 |
Prof. Sokrates T. Pantelides from Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. |
2016.09.12- 2016.09.22 |
Prof. Shi-Yong Wang, Shantanu Mishra from University of Zuerich, Switzerland visited our group and discussed with us. |
2016.07.31- 2016.08.14 |
Prof. Sokrates T. Pantelides from Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. |
2016.06.25- 2016.06.30 |
Prof. Wang Yao from University of Hong Kong visited our group and discussed with us. |
2016.05.26- 2016.05.30 |
Prof. W.A.Hofer from Newcastle University, UK visited our group and attended our group metting. |
2016.05.01- 2016.05.05 |
Prof. Sokrates T. Pantelides from Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. | 2016.04 | ||||
Prof. Sokrates T. Pantelides from Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. | 2016.03 | ||||
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. |
2014.01.06- 2014.01.09 |
Prof. Sokrates T. Pantelides and Doctor Yu-Yang Zhang from Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. |
2013.12.15- 2013.12.19 |
Prof. Zhi-Chuan Xu from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore visted us and delivered a report titled "Engineering surface composition of bimetallic nanoparticles for methanol and carbon monoxide electro-oxidation". | 2013.11.29 | ||||
Distinguished researcher, director of Institue of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Prof. Mei-Yin Zhou visited our group and delivered a report titled "Computational Studies of Two-Dimensional Materials:From Graphene to Few-Layer Graphene and Beyond". | 2013.10.30 | ||||
Editor of Nature Communications, Dr. Changjun Zhang visited our lab. | 2013.10.29 | ||||
Prof. Helmut Zacharias from University of Munster, Germany delivered a report to us and discussed with us. | 2013.09.21 | ||||
Chief editor of Advanced Materials, Dr. Peter Gregory visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2013.09.18 | ||||
Dr. Jun-Hao Lin from group of Prof. Sokrate Pantellides, Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and delivered a report titled "Applications of scanning transmission electron microscopy and density functional theory in two-dimension materials". | 2013.09.05 | ||||
Dr. Hao Hu from University of Utah, USA visited our group and discussed with us. | 2013.08.19 | ||||
Prof. Thomas Jung from Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland visted our group, then delivered a report and discussed with us. | 2013.08.08 | ||||
Prof. Sheng-Bai Zhang from Rensselaer Polytechnic University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. | 2013.07.07-2013.07.10 | ||||
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visted our group and discussed with us. |
2013.07.01- 2013.07.04 |
Prof. Thomas Greber from University of Zurich, Switzerland visted our group and discussed with us. |
2013.06.28- 2013.06.30 |
Prof. Karl-Heinz Ernst from EMPA, Switzerland visted our group and discussed with us. |
2013.06.25- 2013.06.30 |
Prof. Thomas Greber from University of Zurich, Switzerland visted our group and discussed with us. |
2013.05.17- 2013.05.20 |
Executive editor of Nature Communications, Dr. Ed Gerstner visited our lab. | 2013.04.08 | ||||
Thousand Talents Program winner, Prof. Jun-Ling Lu from University of Science and Technology of China visited our lab and delivered a report titled "Combined experimental and theoretical studies of ALD alumina overcoat growth on transitional metal surface". | 2013.04.03 | ||||
Prof. Giovanni Costantini from University of Warwick, UK visited our lab and delivered a report titled "Interplay between long and short range interactions in supramolecular self-assembly at surfaces". | 2013.03.18 | ||||
Dr. Xiao Li from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory visited our lab and delivered a report titeld "Gold Clusters on MgO Thin Films". | 2013.01.24 | ||||
Dr. Yi Pan from FHI, Max-Planck Institute, Germany visted our group and discussed with us. | 2013.01.09 | ||||
Prof. Yan-Qing Wu from Huazhong University of Science and Technology visited our group and discussed with us. | 2013.01.05 | ||||
Dr. Xinliang Feng from Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research visited our group and discussed with us. | 2012.12.26 | ||||
Dr. Xian-Bin Li from Jilin University visited our group and discussed with us. | 2012.12.13 | ||||
Prof. Sheng-Bai Zhang from Rensselaer Polytechnic University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. | 2012.12.23 | ||||
Prof. Hrvoje Petek from University of Pittsburgh, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2012.12.06 | ||||
Prof. Peter Beton from University of Nottingham, UK visited our lab and delivered a report titled "Order and Disorder in Adsorbed Molecular Arrays". | 2012.11.30 | ||||
Prof. Xin-Zhao Chu from University of Colorado Boulder, USA visited our group and delivered a report titled "New Science Discoveries in Antarcticawith LIDAR Observations". | 2012.11.15 | ||||
Prof. Yu-Gui Yao from Beijing Institute of Technology visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2012.10.26 | ||||
Prof. Lei Liao from Wuhan University visited our group and delivered a report about fabrication and measurement on graphene based devices. | 2012.10.24 | ||||
Prof. Nicolas Combe from CEMES-Toulouse, France visited our lab and delivered a report titled "Nano self-organisation using standing surface acoustic waves". | 2012.10.16 | ||||
Prof. Konstantin Novoselov from Manchester University, UK visited our lab. |
2012.10.03- 2012.10.04 |
Prof. Phaedon Avouris from Watson Research Center of IBM, USA visitesd our lab. |
2012.10.03- 2012.10.04 |
Prof. Philip Kim from Columbia University, USA visited our lab. |
2012.10.03- 2012.10.06 |
Prof. Francois Peeters from University of Antwerp, Belgium visited our lab. |
2012.10.04- 2012.10.06 |
Prof. Xiangfeng Duan from California University, USA visited our lab. |
2012.10.04- 2012.10.06 |
Prof. Kian Ping Loh from National University of Singapore visited our lab. |
2012.10.04- 2012.10.05 |
Prof. Barbaros Oezyilmaz from National University of Singapore visited our lab. |
2012.10.04- 2012.10.05 |
Prof. Hu-Jong Lee from Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea visited our lab and discussed with us. |
2012.10.04- 2012.10.05 |
Prof. Jong-Hyun Ahn from Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea visited our lab. |
2012.10.04- 2012.10.05 |
Prof. Toshiaki Enoki from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan visited our lab. |
2012.10.04- 2012.10.05 |
Prof. Minn-Tsong Lin from National Taiwan University visited our lab. |
2012.10.04- 2012.10.05 |
Prof. Jin-Ming Cai from EMPA, Switzerland visited our group and delivered a report titled "Controlled structural variation of bottom-up fabricated graphene nanoribbons", then discussed with us. | 2012.08.09 | ||||
Dr. Shi-Xia Liu from University of Berne, Switzerland visited our group and delivered a report titled "Large pi-Conjugated Electron Donor-Acceptor Ensembles: from Design to Functions", then discussed with us. | 2012.08.06 | ||||
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visted our group and discussed with us. |
2012.07.15- 2012.07.16 |
Prof. Sheng-Bai Zhang from Rensselaer Polytechnic University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. |
2012.07.09- 2012.07.14 |
Prof. Werner Hofer from Liverpool University, UK visited our group and discussed with us. |
2012.07.09- 2012.07.12 |
Prof. Andreas J.Heinrich from IBM Research-Almaden, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. |
2012.07.09- 2012.07.12 |
Prof. Thomas Greber from University of Zurich, Switzerland visited our group and discussed with us. |
2012.07.06- 2012.07.08 |
A group of 20+ people led by Prof. Kamarulazizi Ibrahim from University of Science, Malaysia visited our lab. |
2012.06.22 | ||||
Dr. Jun-Ling Lu from Northwest University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. | 2012.06.29 | ||||
Prof. Nian Lin from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2012.06.27 | ||||
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visted our group and discussed with us. |
2012.05.26- 2012.05.31 |
Prof. Xu-Dong Fan from University of Michigan, USA visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. | 2012.05.17 | ||||
Prof. Shiwu Gao from University of Gothenburg visited our group and discussed with us. | 2012.05.02 | ||||
Director of Graphene Research Centre, Natioanl University of Singapore, Prof. Antonio Castro Neto visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2012.05.01 | ||||
Dr. Zhi-Chuan Xu from MIT, USA visited our lab and delivered a report, then discussed with us. | 2012.04.26 | ||||
President of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chun-Li Bai visited our lab and debriefed us about the research on "Fabrication and properties of nanomaterials and related devices" | 2012.04.17 | ||||
President of Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS), Prof. Atta ur Rahman, Seceretary general of PAS, Prof. Ghulam Abbas Miana,and 2 academicians of PAS, Prof. M. Aslam Baig and Prof. M. Ashraf visited our lab. | 2012.04.10 | ||||
Dr. Bing Yang from Fritz Haber Institute of Max Planck Society, Germany visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. | 2011.12.18 | ||||
Dr. Li Gao from Argonne National Laboratory, USA visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. | 2011.12.17 | ||||
Prof. Chong-Lin Chen from University of Taxes, USA visited our lab and established academic cooperation with us. | 2011.12.25 | ||||
Prof. Humberto Terrones from Pennsylvania State University, USA visited our lab and delivered a report, then discussed with us. |
2011.12.20- |
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visted our group and discussed with us. |
2011.12.04- 2011.12.10 |
Prof. Daniel E. Bürgler from Jülich Research Centre, Germany visited our lab and delivered a report, then discussed with us. | 2011.11.07 | ||||
Prof. Werner Hofer from Liverpool University, UK visited our group and discussed with us. |
2011.10.24- 2011.10.30 |
Senior associated editor of Applied Physics Letters, Prof. Jules Routbort from Argonne National Laboratory, USA visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. | 2011.10.21 | ||||
Prof. André Gourdon, Prof. O. Guillermet from CNRS, France and Prof. G. Dujardin from Université Paris-Sud, France visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. | 2011.09.22 | ||||
Prof. Xu Du from Stony Brook University visited our group and discussed with us. | 2011.08.17 | ||||
Expert delegation of 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics visited our lab. | 2011.08.17 | ||||
Dr. Yi-Bin Hu from Mcgill University, Canada visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. | 2011.08.15 | ||||
Dr. Ji-Fa Tian from Perdue University, USA visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. | 2011.08.12 | ||||
Prof. Ari P Seitonen from University of Zurich, Switzerland visited our group and discussed with us. | 2011.08.08 | ||||
Prof. Thomas Greber from University of Zurich, Switzerland visited our group and discussed with us. |
2011.07.27- 2011.07.30 |
Prof. Andreas J.Heinrich from IBM Research - Almaden visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2011.07.09 | ||||
Prof. Karl-Heinz Ernst from EMPA, Switzerland visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2011.07.08 | ||||
Editor-in-chief of Applied Physics Letters, Prof. Nghi Lam visted our lab.
2011.07.01 | ||||
Prof. Xu-Dong Fan from Michigan University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. | 2011.06.30 | ||||
Prof. Nian Lin from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2011.06.29 | ||||
Student delegation from University of Science and Technology of China visited our lab. | 2011.06.27 | ||||
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visted our group and discussed with us. |
2011.06.22- 2011.06.30 |
Senior Edotor of Nature Physics, Dr. Edmund Gerstner visited our lab. | 2011.06.22 | ||||
Prof. Chih-Kang Shih from University of Texas at Austin, USA visted our lab and discussed with us. | 2011.05.22 | ||||
Director of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Prof. Thom Mason visited our lab. | 2011.05.11 | ||||
Prof. Francisco Guinea from Institute of Materials Science of Madrid, Spanish National Research Council visited our lab and discussed with us. |
2011.02.23- 2011.02.27 |
Prof. Li-Feng Chi from University of Muenster, Germany visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2011.02.11 | ||||
Dr. Xin-Liang Feng from Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research visited our group and discussed with us. | 2011.01.23 | ||||
Dr. Jun-Ling Lu from Argonne National Laboratory, USA visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. | 2010.12.27 | ||||
Prof. Chong-Lin Chen from University of Taxes, USA visited our lab and established academic cooperation with us. | 2010.12.23 | ||||
Prof. Feng Liu from University of Utah visited our group and discussed wirh us. | 2010.12.21 | ||||
Senior Editor of Nature Materials, Dr. Fabio Pulizzi visited our lab. | 2010.12.27 | ||||
Dr. Min Feng from University of Pittsburgh visited our group and deliverd a report, then discussed with us. | 2010.11.23 | ||||
Ten Egyptian Experts of China-Egypt Bilateral Symposium on new material and nanomaterial visited our lab.
2010.10.21 | ||||
Senior editor of Nature Materials, Dr. Joerg Heber visited our lab.
2010.10.11 | ||||
Editor-in-Chief of Applied Physics Letters. Prof. Nghi Q. Lam visited our lab. | 2010.09.19 | ||||
Dr. Xin-Liang Feng from Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research visited our group and divered a report, then discussed with us. | 2010.09.19 | ||||
Dr. Cheng-Gang Tao from University of California, Berkeley visited our group and divered a report, then discussed with us. | 2010.09.16 | ||||
Prof. Karl-Heinz Ernst from EMPA, Switzerland visited our group and discussed with us. |
2010.09.13- 2010.09.16 |
Prof. Werner Hofer from Liverpool University, UK visited our group and discussed with us. |
2010.08.22- 2010.08.30 |
Prof. Andreas J.Heinrich from IBM Research - Almaden visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2010.08.30 | ||||
Prof. Johannes Barth from Technical University of Munich, Germany visited our lab. |
2010.08.27 | ||||
Prof. Joseph A.Stroscio from NIST, USA visited our lab. | 2010.08.25 | ||||
Prof. Maki Kawai from Tokyo University and Riken, Japan visited our lab. | 2010.08.25 | ||||
Prof. Sokrates T. Pantelides from Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. |
2010.08.22- 2010.08.24 |
Prof. A. K. Geim from University of Manchester visited our lab and discussed with us.
2010.08.23 | ||||
Prof. Harald Brune from École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EFPL), Switzerland visited our lab and discussed with us.
2010.08.22 | ||||
2010.08.21 | |||||
2010年.08.13 | |||||
Prof. Wilson Ho from University of California, Irvine visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2010.07.13 | ||||
Prof. Nian Lin from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2010.06.29 | ||||
Prof. Antonio H Castro Neto from Boston University, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2010.05.20 | ||||
Prof. Vladimir Falko from Lancaster University, UK visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2010.05.19 | ||||
Dr. Jing Tao from Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2010.04.28 | ||||
A student delegation of 30 people from Switzerland visited our lab. | 2010.03.24 | ||||
Prof. Qian Niu from University of Texas at Austin, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2010.02.08 | ||||
Dr. Wei Guo from Center for Advanced Molecular Diagnostics (CAMD), Technical University of Denmark visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2010.02.01 | ||||
Prof. Chih-Kang Shih from University of Texas at Austin, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. |
2009.12.09- 2009.12.11 |
Dr. Zhi-Tao Deng from Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany visited our group and discussed with us. | 2009.12.10 | ||||
Director of Center for NanoTechnology, Prof. Harald Fuchs from University of Muenster visited our group and discussed with us. | 2009.11.18 | ||||
Prof. Werner Hofer from Liverpool University, UK visited our group and discussed with us. |
2009.11.01- 2009.11.05 |
Prof. Jun-Hyung Cho from Hanyang University visited our group and established cooperative research. |
2009.10.23- 2009.1114 |
Prof. Hongkun Park from Harvard University, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2009.10.21 | ||||
Researcher Hao Tang from CEMES, CNRS visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2009.09.23 | ||||
Assoicated editor of Advanced Materials, Martin Ottmar visited our lab. | 2009.09.22 | ||||
Prof. Jian-Bin Xu from The Chinese University of Hong Kong visited our lab. | 2009.08.31 | ||||
Prof. Peter Nordlander from Rice University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. | 2009.08.24 | ||||
Prof. Xu-Dong Fan from Michigan University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. | 2009.07.17 | ||||
Prof. Shu-Heng Pan from Houston University, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2009.07.16 | ||||
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visted our group and discussed with us. |
2009.06.24- 2009.07.02 |
Prof. Hong-Jie Dai from Stanford University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. | 2009.06.23 | ||||
Prof. Nian Lin from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2009.06.29 | ||||
Prof. Thomas Greber from Universitity of Zuerich, Switzerland visited our lab and discussed with us. |
2009.06.27- 2009.06.28 |
Prof. Karl-Heinz Ernst from EMPA, Switzerland visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2009.06.22 | ||||
Prof. Eric McFarland from University of California, USA visited our lab. | 2009.06.21 | ||||
Prof. Feng Liu from University of Utah visited our group and discussed wirh us. | 2009.06.14 | ||||
Prof. P. H. Kes and Prof. Reijer Jochemsen from Leiden University, Netherlands visited our lab. | 2009.05.14 | ||||
Director of Center for NanoTechnology, Prof. Harald Fuchs from University of Muenster visited our group and discussed with us. | 2009.03.25 | ||||
Dr. Hong Liu from University of Hannover visited our lab and delivered a report. | 2009.02.17 | ||||
Prof. Feng Wang from University of California, Berkeley visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2009.01.03 | ||||
Dr. Xiao Jiang from Kavli Institute of NanoScience Delft, Netherland visited our lab and delivered a report, then discussed with us. | 2008.12.25 | ||||
Prof. Chong-Lin Chen from University of Taxes, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2008.11.08 | ||||
President of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences,member of Europe Research Council,physicist Prof. Zenonas Rokus RUDZIKAS visited our lab. | 2008.10.30 | ||||
Prof. John T. Grant from University of Dayton, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2008.10.24 | ||||
Dr. Xiao-Song Wu from Georgia Institue of Technology, USA visited our group and delivered a report titled "Gr, a new electronic material" at our invitation. | 2008.10.14 | ||||
Dr. Yuan-Bo Zhang from University of California, Berkeley visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2008.10.16 | ||||
Senior scientist, Prof. Cheng-Jun Chen from Columbia University, USA visited our lab and delivered a report titled "Recent Advances in Fundamental Physics of STM and AFM" on our invitation. | 2008.09.10 | ||||
Prof. Jian Shen from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA visited our lab. | 2008.09.08 | ||||
Dr. Joerg Weissmueller from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2008.07.16 | ||||
Executive Vice-President of CAS, Chun-Li Bai etc. inspect our group. | 2008.07.11 | ||||
Editor of ACSnano, Senior Prof. Paul S. Weiss from Pennsylvania State University, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2008.06.07 | ||||
Prof. Qian Niu from University of Texas at Austin, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. | 2008.05.30 | ||||
Prof. Xu-Dong Fan Michigan University, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. |
2008.05.20- 2008.05.25 |
Prof. Mats Persson from Liverpool University, UK visited our lab and discussed with us, then established academic cooperation with us. |
2008.05.15 | ||||
Prof. Jian Shen from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA visited our lab then discussed with us. |
2008.04.21- 2008.04.26 |
Prof. Feng Liu from University of Utah, USA visited our lab then discussed with us. |
2008.04.02- 2008.04.08 |