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1. Q. Liu, Y. Y. Zhang, N. Jiang, H. G. Zhang, L. Gao, S. X. Du, and H. -J. Gao "Identifying Multiple Configurations of Complex Molecules in Dynamical Processes: Time Resolved Tunneling Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory Calculation" Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 166101 (2010). |
2.B. Yang, Y. L. Wang, H. Y. Cun, S. X. Du, M. C. Xu, Y. Wang, Karl-Heinz Ernst and H. -J. Gao "Direct Observation of Enantiospecific Substitution in a Two-Dimensional Chiral Phase Transition" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 10440-10444(2010). |
3.N. Jiang, Y. Y. Zhang, Q. Liu, Z. H. Cheng, Z. T. Deng, S. X. Du, H. -J. Gao, M. J. Beck and S. T. Pantelides "Diffusivity Control in Molecule-on-Metal Systems Using Electric Fields" Nano Lett. 10. 1184-1188 (2010). |
4.H. G. Zhang, H. Hu, Y. Pan, J. H. Mao, M. Gao, H. M. Guo, S. X. Du, T Greber and H -J Gao "Graphene based quantum dots" J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, 302001 (2010). |
5.R. Yang, L.C. Zhang, Y. Wang, Z.W. Shi, D.X. Shi, H.J. Gao, E.G. Wang, and G.Y. Zhang "An Anisotropic Etching Effect in the Graphene Basal Plane" Adv. Mater. 22, 36 , 4014-4019(2010). |
6.S. X. Du, Y. L. Wang, Q. Liu, H. G. Zhang, H. M. Guo and H. -J. Gao "Understanding formation of molecular rotor array on Au(111) surface" Front. Phys. China 5, 4, 380 (2010). |
7.C. Li, G. Li, C. M. Shen, C. Hui, J. F. Tian, S. X. Du, Z. Y. Zhang and H. -J. Gao "Atomic-scale Tuning of Self-assembled ZnO Microscopic Patterns: from Dendritic Factals to Compact Island" Nanoscale 10.1039 (2010). |
8.Y. Ma, X. B. Cao, G. Li, Y. Q. Wen, Y. Yang, J. X. Wang, S. X. Du, L. M. Yang, H. -J. Gao, and Y. L. Song "Improving the ON/OFF Ratio and Reversibility of Recording by Rational Structural Arrangement of Donor–Acceptor Molecules" Adv. Funct. Mater. 20, 803-810(2010). |
9.M. Gao, Y. Pan, C. D. Zhang, H. Hu, R. Yang, H. L. Lu, J. M. Cai,S. X. Du, F. Liu and H. -J. Gao "Tunable interfacial properties of epitaxial graphene on metal substrates" Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 053109 (2010). |
10.J. C. Lian, Z. H. Cheng, Y. H. Jiang, Y. Y. Zhang, L. W. Liu, W. Ji, W. D. Xiao, S. X. Du, W. A. Hofer and H.-J. Gao "Mapping Antibonding Electron States of a Pb Adatom on Pb(111)" Phys. Rev. B 81, 195411(2010). |
11.H. Y. Cun, Y. L. Wang, B. Yang, L. Zhang, S. X. Du, Y. Wang, K. H. Ernst and H. -J. Gao "Homochiral Recognition among Organic Molecules on Copper(110)" Langmuir 26, 5, 3402-3406 (2010). |
12.L. Zhang, D. X. Shi, S. X. Du, L. F. Chi, Harald Fuchs and Hong-Jun Gao "Structural Transition and Thermal Stability of a Coronene Molecular Monolayer on Cu(110) " J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 11180-11184 (2010). |
13.J. M. Cai , Y. Y. Zhang, H. Hu, L. H. Bao,L. D. Pan , W. Tang, G. Li, S. X. Du, J. Shen, and H. -J. Gao "Electric dipolar interaction assisted growth of single crystalline organic thin films " Chin. Phys. B 19, 6, 067101 (2010). |
14.H. Hu, J. M. Cai, C. D. Zhang, M. Gao, Y. Pan, S. X. Du, Q. F. Sun, Q. Niu , X. C. Xie "Thermoelectric-transport in metal/graphene/metalhetero-structure " Chin. Phys. B 19, 3, 037202(2010). |
15.J. T. Sun , L. D. Pan, H. Hu, S. X. Du, and H. J. Gao "Role of buffer layer in electronic structures of iron phthalocyanine molecules on Au(111)" Chin. Phys. B 19, 9, 097809 (2010). |