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1. Q. Liu, Y. Y. Zhang, N. Jiang, H. G. Zhang, L. Gao, S. X. Du, and H. -J. Gao
"Identifying Multiple Configurations of Complex Molecules in Dynamical Processes: Time Resolved Tunneling Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory Calculation"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 166101 (2010).1

2.B. Yang, Y. L. Wang, H. Y. Cun, S. X. Du, M. C. Xu, Y. Wang, Karl-Heinz Ernst and H. -J. Gao
"Direct Observation of Enantiospecific Substitution in a Two-Dimensional Chiral Phase Transition"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 10440-10444(2010).1

3.N. Jiang, Y. Y. Zhang, Q. Liu, Z. H. Cheng, Z. T. Deng, S. X. Du, H. -J. Gao, M. J. Beck and S. T. Pantelides
"Diffusivity Control in Molecule-on-Metal Systems Using Electric Fields"
Nano Lett. 10. 1184-1188 (2010).1

4.H. G. Zhang, H. Hu, Y. Pan, J. H. Mao, M. Gao, H. M. Guo, S. X. Du, T Greber and H -J Gao
"Graphene based quantum dots"
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, 302001 (2010).1

5.R. Yang, L.C. Zhang, Y. Wang, Z.W. Shi, D.X. Shi, H.J. Gao, E.G. Wang, and G.Y. Zhang
"An Anisotropic Etching Effect in the Graphene Basal Plane"
Adv. Mater. 22, 36 , 4014-4019(2010).1

6.S. X.  Du,  Y. L. Wang, Q. Liu, H. G. Zhang, H. M. Guo and H. -J. Gao
"Understanding formation of molecular rotor array on Au(111) surface"
Front. Phys. China 5, 4, 380 (2010).1

7.C. Li, G. Li, C. M. Shen, C. Hui, J. F. Tian, S. X. Du, Z. Y. Zhang and H. -J. Gao
"Atomic-scale Tuning of Self-assembled ZnO Microscopic Patterns: from Dendritic Factals to Compact Island"
Nanoscale 10.1039 (2010).1

8.Y. Ma, X. B. Cao, G. Li, Y. Q. Wen, Y. Yang, J. X. Wang, S. X. Du, L. M. Yang, H. -J. Gao, and Y. L. Song
"Improving the ON/OFF Ratio and Reversibility of Recording by Rational Structural Arrangement of Donor–Acceptor Molecules"
Adv. Funct. Mater. 20, 803-810(2010). 1

9.M. Gao, Y. Pan, C. D. Zhang, H. Hu, R. Yang, H. L. Lu, J. M. Cai,S. X. Du, F. Liu and H. -J. Gao
"Tunable interfacial properties of epitaxial graphene on metal substrates"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 053109 (2010).1

10.J. C. Lian, Z. H. Cheng, Y. H. Jiang, Y. Y. Zhang, L. W. Liu, W. Ji, W. D. Xiao, S. X. Du, W. A. Hofer and H.-J. Gao
"Mapping Antibonding Electron States of a Pb Adatom on Pb(111)"
Phys. Rev. B 81, 195411(2010).1

11.H. Y. Cun, Y. L. Wang, B. Yang, L. Zhang, S. X. Du, Y. Wang, K. H. Ernst and H. -J. Gao
"Homochiral Recognition among Organic Molecules on Copper(110)"
Langmuir 26, 5, 3402-3406 (2010).1

12.L. Zhang, D. X. Shi, S. X. Du, L. F. Chi, Harald Fuchs and Hong-Jun Gao
"Structural Transition and Thermal Stability of a Coronene Molecular Monolayer on Cu(110) "
J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 11180-11184 (2010).1

13.J. M. Cai , Y. Y. Zhang, H. Hu, L. H. Bao,L. D. Pan , W. Tang, G. Li, S. X. Du, J. Shen, and H. -J. Gao
"Electric dipolar interaction assisted growth of single crystalline organic thin films "
Chin. Phys. B 19, 6, 067101 (2010).1

14.H.  Hu, J. M. Cai, C. D. Zhang, M. Gao, Y. Pan, S. X. Du, Q. F. Sun, Q. Niu , X. C. Xie
"Thermoelectric-transport in metal/graphene/metalhetero-structure "
Chin. Phys. B 19, 3, 037202(2010).1

15.J. T. Sun , L. D. Pan, H. Hu, S. X. Du, and H. J. Gao
"Role of buffer layer in electronic structures of iron phthalocyanine molecules on Au(111)"
Chin. Phys. B 19, 9, 097809 (2010).1