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1. S. X. Du, H. -J. Gao, C. Seidel, L. Tsetseris, W. Ji, H. Kopf, L. F. Chi, H. Fuchs, S. J. Pennycook, and S. T. Pantelides "Selective nontemplated adsorption of organic molecules on nanofacets and the role of bonding patterns" Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 15, 156105 (2006). |
2.D. Shi, W. Ji, X. Lin, X. He, J. Lian, L. Gao, J. Cai, H. Lin, S. Du, F. Lin, C. Seidel, L. Chi, W. Hofer, H. Fuchs, and H. -J. Gao "Role of lateral alkyl chains in modulation of molecular structures on metal surfaces" Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 22, 226101 (2006). |
3.时东霞 季威 贺晓波 高利 程志海 杜世萱 庞世瑾 高鸿钧 "通过不同烷基链取代调控喹吖啶酮分子在Ag(110)表面上的自组织结构" Physcis 36, 1, (2006). (in Chinese) |
4.杜世萱 季威 高鸿钧 "功能纳米结构可控生长的新途径:非模板选择形自组装" Physcis 36, 427, (2006). (in Chinese) |