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西南大学李志攀教授来访,开展学术讨论Prof. Zhi-Pan Li from Southwest University, delivered a report titled "原子核的形状、集体运动与裂变". 2021年10月28日 2021.10.28
中国科学院上海技术物理研究所胡亦斌教授来访,开展学术讨论Prof. Yi-Bin Hu from Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, visited our group and discussed with us. 2021年10月7日 2021.10.07
中国科学院大学孙宜阳教授来访,开展学术讨论Prof. Yi-Yang Sun from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a report titled "稀元化合物——无机功能材料开发的新途径". 2021年9月14日 2021.09.14
中国科学院大学韩冬教授来访,开展学术讨论Prof. Dong Han from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a report titled "缺陷形成能计算". 2021年8月19日 2021.08.19
中南大学王云鹏教授来访,开展学术讨论Prof. Yun-Peng Wang from Central South University, delivered a report titled "磁性二维材料的顺磁态的电子结构". 2021年5月20日 2021.05.20
同济大学任婕教授来访,开展学术讨论Prof. Jie Ren from Tongji University, visited our group and discussed with us. 2021年4月8日 2021.04.08
中国科学院大学张凤娇教授来访,开展学术讨论Prof. Feng-Jiao Zhang from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a report titled "有机半导体分子组装". 2021年1月4日2021.01.04
中国科学院大学闫清波教授来访,开展学术讨论Prof. Qing-Bo Yan from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a report. 2020年11月10日2020.11.10
中南大学王云鹏教授来访,开展学术讨论Prof. Yun-Peng Wang from Central South University, delivered a report titled "非晶态石墨烯的理论计算". 2020年9月7日2020.09.07
美国范德比尔特大学Pantelides教授来访,开展学术讨论Prof. W.A.Hofer from Newcastle University, UK visited our group and attended our group metting. 2018年12月11-13日2019.05.11
美国Maryland University的Min Ouyang(欧阳敏)教授到访开展学术讨论Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2018年12月11-13日2019.02.26
美国范德比尔特大学Pantelides教授来访,开展学术讨论 2018年12月11-13日
Prof. Sokrates T. Pantelides from Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and disccussed with us. 2018.12.11-2018.12.13
Prof. Harold Handvliet from University of Twente, Netherlands visited our group and delivered a report titled "Germanene: graphene's little sister". 2018.11.27
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2018.11.13-2018.11.16
Prof. Zhi-Chuan Xu from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore visted us and delivered a report titled "A brief introduction on Pt electrochemistry: the story behind nanosizing". 2018.11.15-2018.11.16
Prof. Matthias Batzill from University of South Florida, USA visited our group and delivered a report titled "A Journey through Flatlands: Defects, Interfaces, and Properties of 2D-Materials". 2018.11.7-
Dr. Jun-Hao Lin from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science visited ougroup and discussed with us. 2016.10.17-
Prof. Fuchs Harald Heinz from Muenste University, Germany visited our group and discussed with us. 2016.08.19-
Dr. Zhu-Jun Wang from Fritz Haber Institute of Max Planck Society, Germany visited our group and discussed with us. 2016.08.17-
Cheng Xiao from Amazon Lab216, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2016.08.01-
Prof. Sokrates T. Pantelides from Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2016.09.12-
Prof. Shi-Yong Wang, Shantanu Mishra from University of Zuerich, Switzerland visited our group and discussed with us. 2016.07.31-
Prof. Sokrates T. Pantelides from Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2016.06.25-
Prof. Wang Yao from University of Hong Kong visited our group and discussed with us. 2016.05.26-
Prof. W.A.Hofer from Newcastle University, UK visited our group and attended our group metting. 2016.05.01-
Prof. Sokrates T. Pantelides from Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2016.04
Prof. Sokrates T. Pantelides from Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2016.03
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2014.01.06-
Prof. Sokrates T. Pantelides and Doctor Yu-Yang Zhang from Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2013.12.15-
Prof. Zhi-Chuan Xu from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore visted us and delivered a report titled "Engineering surface composition of bimetallic nanoparticles for methanol and carbon monoxide electro-oxidation". 2013.11.29
Distinguished researcher, director of Institue of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Prof. Mei-Yin Zhou visited our group and delivered a report titled "Computational Studies of Two-Dimensional Materials:From Graphene to Few-Layer Graphene and Beyond". 2013.10.30
Editor of Nature Communications, Dr. Changjun Zhang visited our lab. 2013.10.29
Prof. Helmut Zacharias from University of Munster, Germany delivered a report to us and discussed with us. 2013.09.21
Chief editor of Advanced Materials, Dr. Peter Gregory visited our lab and discussed with us. 2013.09.18
Dr. Jun-Hao Lin from group of Prof. Sokrate Pantellides, Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and delivered a report titled "Applications of scanning transmission electron microscopy and density functional theory in two-dimension materials". 2013.09.05
Dr. Hao Hu from University of Utah, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2013.08.19
Prof. Thomas Jung from Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland visted our group, then delivered a report and discussed with us. 2013.08.08
Prof. Sheng-Bai Zhang from Rensselaer Polytechnic University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2013.07.07-2013.07.10
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visted our group and discussed with us. 2013.07.01-
Prof. Thomas Greber from University of Zurich, Switzerland visted our group and discussed with us. 2013.06.28-
Prof. Karl-Heinz Ernst from EMPA, Switzerland visted our group and discussed with us. 2013.06.25-
Prof. Thomas Greber from University of Zurich, Switzerland visted our
group and discussed with us.
Executive editor of Nature Communications, Dr. Ed Gerstner visited our lab. 2013.04.08
Thousand Talents Program winner, Prof. Jun-Ling Lu from University of Science and Technology of China visited our lab and delivered a report titled "Combined experimental and theoretical studies of ALD alumina overcoat growth on transitional metal surface". 2013.04.03
Prof. Giovanni Costantini from University of Warwick, UK visited our lab and delivered a report titled "Interplay between long and short range interactions in supramolecular self-assembly at surfaces". 2013.03.18
Dr. Xiao Li from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory visited our lab and delivered a report titeld "Gold Clusters on MgO Thin Films". 2013.01.24
Dr. Yi Pan from FHI, Max-Planck Institute, Germany visted our group and discussed with us. 2013.01.09
Prof. Yan-Qing Wu from Huazhong University of Science and Technology visited our group and discussed with us. 2013.01.05
Dr. Xinliang Feng from Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research visited our group and discussed with us. 2012.12.26
Dr. Xian-Bin Li from Jilin University visited our group and discussed with us. 2012.12.13
Prof. Sheng-Bai Zhang from Rensselaer Polytechnic University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2012.12.23
Prof. Hrvoje Petek from University of Pittsburgh, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. 2012.12.06
Prof. Peter Beton from University of Nottingham, UK visited our lab and delivered a report titled "Order and Disorder in Adsorbed Molecular Arrays". 2012.11.30
Prof. Xin-Zhao Chu from University of Colorado Boulder, USA visited our group and delivered a report titled "New Science Discoveries in Antarcticawith LIDAR Observations". 2012.11.15
Prof. Yu-Gui Yao from Beijing Institute of Technology visited our lab and discussed with us. 2012.10.26
Prof. Lei Liao from Wuhan University visited our group and delivered a report about fabrication and measurement on graphene based devices. 2012.10.24
Prof. Nicolas Combe from CEMES-Toulouse, France visited our lab and delivered a report titled "Nano self-organisation using standing surface acoustic waves". 2012.10.16
Prof. Konstantin Novoselov from Manchester University, UK visited our lab. 2012.10.03-
Prof. Phaedon Avouris from Watson Research Center of IBM, USA visitesd our lab. 2012.10.03-
Prof. Philip Kim from Columbia University, USA visited our lab. 2012.10.03-
Prof. Francois Peeters from University of Antwerp, Belgium visited our lab. 2012.10.04-
Prof. Xiangfeng Duan from California University, USA visited our lab. 2012.10.04-
Prof. Kian Ping Loh from National University of Singapore visited our lab. 2012.10.04-
Prof. Barbaros Oezyilmaz from National University of Singapore visited our lab. 2012.10.04-
Prof. Hu-Jong Lee from Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea visited our lab and discussed with us. 2012.10.04-
Prof. Jong-Hyun Ahn from Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea visited our lab. 2012.10.04-
Prof. Toshiaki Enoki from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan visited our lab. 2012.10.04-
Prof. Minn-Tsong Lin from National Taiwan University visited our lab. 2012.10.04-
Prof. Jin-Ming Cai from EMPA, Switzerland visited our group and delivered a report titled "Controlled structural variation of bottom-up fabricated graphene nanoribbons", then discussed with us. 2012.08.09
Dr. Shi-Xia Liu from University of Berne, Switzerland visited our group and delivered a report titled "Large pi-Conjugated Electron Donor-Acceptor Ensembles: from Design to Functions", then discussed with us. 2012.08.06
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visted our group and discussed with us. 2012.07.15-
Prof. Sheng-Bai Zhang from Rensselaer Polytechnic University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2012.07.09-
Prof. Werner Hofer from Liverpool University, UK visited our group and discussed with us. 2012.07.09-

Prof. Andreas J.Heinrich from IBM Research-Almaden, USA visited our lab and discussed with us.

Prof. Thomas Greber from University of Zurich, Switzerland visited our group and discussed with us. 2012.07.06-

A group of 20+ people led by Prof. Kamarulazizi Ibrahim from University of Science, Malaysia visited our lab.

Dr. Jun-Ling Lu from Northwest University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2012.06.29
Prof. Nian Lin from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology visited our lab and discussed with us. 2012.06.27
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visted our group and discussed with us. 2012.05.26-
Prof. Xu-Dong Fan from University of Michigan, USA visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. 2012.05.17
Prof. Shiwu Gao from University of Gothenburg visited our group and discussed with us. 2012.05.02
Director of Graphene Research Centre, Natioanl University of Singapore, Prof. Antonio Castro Neto visited our lab and discussed with us. 2012.05.01
Dr. Zhi-Chuan Xu from MIT, USA visited our lab and delivered a report, then discussed with us. 2012.04.26
President of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chun-Li Bai visited our lab and debriefed us about the research on "Fabrication and properties of nanomaterials and related devices" 2012.04.17
President of Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS), Prof. Atta ur Rahman, Seceretary general of PAS, Prof. Ghulam Abbas Miana,and 2 academicians of  PAS, Prof. M. Aslam Baig and Prof. M. Ashraf visited our lab. 2012.04.10
Dr. Bing Yang from Fritz Haber Institute of Max Planck Society, Germany visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. 2011.12.18
Dr. Li Gao from Argonne National Laboratory, USA visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. 2011.12.17
Prof. Chong-Lin Chen from University of Taxes, USA visited our lab and established academic cooperation with us. 2011.12.25
Prof. Humberto Terrones from Pennsylvania State University, USA visited our lab and delivered a report, then discussed with us.


Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visted our group and discussed with us. 2011.12.04-
Prof. Daniel E. Bürgler from Jülich Research Centre, Germany visited our lab and delivered a report, then discussed with us. 2011.11.07
Prof. Werner Hofer from Liverpool University, UK visited our group and discussed with us. 2011.10.24-
Senior associated editor of Applied Physics Letters, Prof. Jules Routbort from Argonne National Laboratory, USA visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. 2011.10.21
Prof. André Gourdon, Prof. O. Guillermet from CNRS, France and Prof. G. Dujardin from Université Paris-Sud, France visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. 2011.09.22
Prof. Xu Du from Stony Brook University visited our group and discussed with us. 2011.08.17
Expert delegation of 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics visited our lab. 2011.08.17
Dr. Yi-Bin Hu from Mcgill University, Canada visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. 2011.08.15
Dr. Ji-Fa Tian from Perdue University, USA visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. 2011.08.12
Prof. Ari P Seitonen from University of Zurich, Switzerland visited our group and discussed with us. 2011.08.08
Prof. Thomas Greber from University of Zurich, Switzerland visited our group and discussed with us. 2011.07.27-
Prof. Andreas J.Heinrich from IBM Research - Almaden visited our lab and discussed with us. 2011.07.09
Prof. Karl-Heinz Ernst from EMPA, Switzerland visited our lab and discussed with us. 2011.07.08
Editor-in-chief of Applied Physics Letters, Prof. Nghi Lam visted our lab.
Prof. Xu-Dong Fan from Michigan University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2011.06.30
Prof. Nian Lin from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology visited our lab and discussed with us. 2011.06.29
Student delegation from University of Science and Technology of China visited our lab. 2011.06.27
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visted our group and discussed with us. 2011.06.22-
Senior Edotor of Nature Physics, Dr. Edmund Gerstner visited our lab. 2011.06.22
Prof. Chih-Kang Shih from University of Texas at Austin, USA visted our lab and discussed with us. 2011.05.22
Director of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Prof. Thom Mason visited our lab. 2011.05.11
Prof. Francisco Guinea from Institute of Materials Science of Madrid, Spanish National Research Council visited our lab and discussed with us. 2011.02.23-
Prof. Li-Feng Chi from University of Muenster, Germany visited our lab and discussed with us. 2011.02.11
Dr. Xin-Liang Feng from Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research visited our group and discussed with us. 2011.01.23
Dr. Jun-Ling Lu from Argonne National Laboratory, USA visited our group and delivered a report, then discussed with us. 2010.12.27
Prof. Chong-Lin Chen from University of Taxes, USA visited our lab and established academic cooperation with us. 2010.12.23
Prof. Feng Liu from University of Utah visited our group and discussed wirh us. 2010.12.21
Senior Editor of Nature Materials, Dr. Fabio Pulizzi visited our lab. 2010.12.27
Dr. Min Feng from University of Pittsburgh visited our group and deliverd a report, then discussed with us. 2010.11.23
Ten Egyptian Experts of China-Egypt Bilateral Symposium on new material and nanomaterial visited our lab.
Senior editor of Nature Materials, Dr. Joerg Heber visited our lab.
Editor-in-Chief of Applied Physics Letters. Prof. Nghi Q. Lam visited our lab. 2010.09.19
Dr. Xin-Liang Feng from Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research visited our group and divered a report, then discussed with us. 2010.09.19
Dr. Cheng-Gang Tao from University of California, Berkeley visited our group and divered a report, then discussed with us. 2010.09.16
Prof. Karl-Heinz Ernst from EMPA, Switzerland visited our group and discussed with us. 2010.09.13-
Prof. Werner Hofer from Liverpool University, UK visited our group and discussed with us. 2010.08.22-
Prof. Andreas J.Heinrich from IBM Research - Almaden visited our lab and discussed with us. 2010.08.30

Prof. Johannes Barth from Technical University of Munich, Germany visited our lab.

Prof. Joseph A.Stroscio from NIST, USA visited our lab. 2010.08.25
Prof. Maki Kawai from Tokyo University and Riken, Japan visited our lab. 2010.08.25
Prof. Sokrates T. Pantelides from Vanderbilt University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2010.08.22-
Prof. A. K. Geim from University of Manchester visited our lab and discussed with us.
Prof. Harald Brune from École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EFPL), Switzerland visited our lab and discussed with us.

Prof. R. Moller and Dr. C. A. Bobisch from   University of Duisburg-Essen visited our lab and discussed with us.

Prof. Feng Liu from University of Utah visited our group and discussed wirh us.
Prof. Wilson Ho from University of  California, Irvine visited our lab and discussed with us. 2010.07.13
Prof. Nian Lin from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology visited our lab and discussed with us. 2010.06.29
Prof. Antonio H Castro Neto from Boston University, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. 2010.05.20
Prof. Vladimir Falko from Lancaster University, UK visited our lab and discussed with us. 2010.05.19
Dr. Jing Tao from Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. 2010.04.28
A student delegation of 30 people from Switzerland visited our lab. 2010.03.24
Prof. Qian Niu from University of Texas at Austin, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. 2010.02.08
Dr. Wei Guo from Center for Advanced Molecular Diagnostics (CAMD), Technical University of Denmark visited our lab and discussed with us. 2010.02.01
Prof. Chih-Kang Shih from University of Texas at Austin, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. 2009.12.09-
Dr. Zhi-Tao Deng from Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany visited our group and discussed with us. 2009.12.10
Director of Center for NanoTechnology, Prof. Harald Fuchs from University of Muenster visited our group and discussed with us. 2009.11.18
Prof. Werner Hofer from Liverpool University, UK visited our group and discussed with us. 2009.11.01-
Prof. Jun-Hyung Cho from Hanyang University visited our group and established cooperative research.  2009.10.23-
Prof. Hongkun Park from Harvard University, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. 2009.10.21
Researcher Hao Tang from CEMES, CNRS visited our lab and discussed with us. 2009.09.23
Assoicated editor of Advanced Materials, Martin Ottmar visited our lab. 2009.09.22
Prof. Jian-Bin Xu from The Chinese University of Hong Kong visited our lab. 2009.08.31
Prof. Peter Nordlander from Rice University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2009.08.24
Prof. Xu-Dong Fan from Michigan University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2009.07.17
Prof. Shu-Heng Pan from Houston University, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. 2009.07.16
Prof. Min Ouyang from Maryland University, USA visted our group and discussed with us. 2009.06.24-
Prof. Hong-Jie Dai from Stanford University, USA visited our group and discussed with us. 2009.06.23
Prof. Nian Lin from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology visited our lab and discussed with us. 2009.06.29
Prof. Thomas Greber from Universitity of Zuerich, Switzerland visited our lab and discussed with us. 2009.06.27-
Prof. Karl-Heinz Ernst from EMPA, Switzerland visited our lab and discussed with us. 2009.06.22
Prof. Eric McFarland from University of California, USA visited our lab. 2009.06.21
Prof. Feng Liu from University of Utah visited our group and discussed wirh us. 2009.06.14
Prof. P. H. Kes and Prof. Reijer Jochemsen from Leiden University, Netherlands visited our lab. 2009.05.14
Director of Center for NanoTechnology, Prof. Harald Fuchs from University of Muenster visited our group and discussed with us. 2009.03.25
Dr. Hong Liu from University of Hannover visited our lab and delivered a report. 2009.02.17
Prof. Feng Wang from University of California, Berkeley visited our lab and discussed with us. 2009.01.03
Dr. Xiao Jiang from Kavli Institute of NanoScience Delft, Netherland visited our lab and delivered a report, then discussed with us. 2008.12.25
Prof. Chong-Lin Chen from University of Taxes, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. 2008.11.08
President of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences,member of Europe Research Council,physicist Prof. Zenonas Rokus RUDZIKAS visited our lab. 2008.10.30
Prof. John T. Grant from University of Dayton, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. 2008.10.24
Dr. Xiao-Song Wu from Georgia Institue of Technology, USA visited our group and delivered a report titled "Gr, a new electronic material" at our invitation. 2008.10.14
Dr. Yuan-Bo Zhang from University of California, Berkeley visited our lab and discussed with us. 2008.10.16
Senior scientist, Prof. Cheng-Jun Chen from Columbia University, USA visited our lab and delivered a report titled "Recent Advances in Fundamental Physics of STM and AFM" on our invitation. 2008.09.10
Prof. Jian Shen from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA visited our lab. 2008.09.08
Dr. Joerg Weissmueller from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany visited our lab and discussed with us. 2008.07.16
Executive Vice-President of CAS, Chun-Li Bai etc. inspect our group. 2008.07.11
Editor of ACSnano, Senior Prof. Paul S. Weiss from Pennsylvania State University, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. 2008.06.07
Prof. Qian Niu from University of Texas at Austin, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. 2008.05.30
Prof. Xu-Dong Fan Michigan University, USA visited our lab and discussed with us. 2008.05.20-

Prof. Mats Persson from Liverpool University, UK visited our lab and discussed with us, then established academic cooperation with us.

Prof. Jian Shen from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA visited our lab then discussed with us. 2008.04.21-
Prof. Feng Liu from University of Utah, USA visited our lab then discussed with us. 2008.04.02-