Shixuan Du
B.S., Peking University, 1992
MS. Beijing Normal University, 1999
Ph. D. Beijing Normal University, 2002
Associate Professor, Institute of Physics, 2004-2009
Professor, Institute of Physics, 2009-present
Assemblies mechanism and properties of nano structures on metal or insulator substrates
Theoretical design and assosiated properties investigations on novel low dimensional materials
Theoretical calculations and simulations for low-diemensional systems related devices.

1. S. X. Du, H. J. Gao, C. Seidel, L. Tsetseris, W. Ji, H. Kopf, L. F. Chi, H. Fuchs, S. J. Pennycook, S. T. Pantelides,
“Selective Nontemplated Adsorption of Organic Molecules on Nanofacets and the Role of Bonding Patterns”,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 2006, 156105
2. L. Gao, Q. Liu, Y. Y. Zhang, N. Jiang, H. G. Zhang, Z. H. Cheng, W. F. Qiu, S. X. Du, Y. Q. Liu, W. A. Hofer, H. J. Gao,
“Constructing an Array of Anchored Single-Molecule Rotors on Gold Surfaces”,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 2008, 197209)
3. L. Gao, W. Ji, Y. B. Hu, Z. H. Cheng, Z. T. Deng, Q. Liu, N. Jiang, X. Lin, W. Guo, S. X. Du, W. A. Hofer, X. C. Xie, H. J. Gao,
“Site-specific Kondo effect at ambient temperatures in iron-based molecules”,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 2007, 106402
4. D. X. Shi, W. Ji, X. Lin, X. B. He, J. C. Lian, L. Gao, J. M. Cai, S. X. Du, F. Lin, C. Seidel, L. F. Chi, W. A. Hofer, H. Fuchs, H. J. Gao,
“Role of lateral alkyl chains in modulation of molecular structures on metal surfaces”,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 2006, 226101
5. M. Feng, L. Gao, Z. T. Deng, W. Ji, X. F. Guo, S. X. Du, D. X. Shi, D. Q. Zhang, D. B. Zhu, H. J. Gao,
“Reversible, erasable, and rewritable nanorecording on an H2 rotaxane thin film”,
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 129, 2007, 2204-2205
6. Y. L. Shang, Y. Q. Wen, S. L. Li, S. X. Du, X. B. He, L. Cai, Y. F. Li, L. M. Yang, H. J. Gao, Y. Song,
“A triphenylamine-containing donor-acceptor molecule for stable, reversible, ultrahigh density data storage”,
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 129, 2007, 11674-11675
7. M. Feng, X. F. Guo, X. Lin, X. B. He, J. Wei, S. X. Du, D. Q. Zhang, D. B. Zhu, H. J. Gao,
“Stable, Reproducible Nanorecording on Rotaxane Thin Films”,
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 127, 2005, 15338-15339
8. 杜世萱,高鸿钧,
物理学进展,28, 2008,158-189
9. G. Y. Jiang, M. Feng, Y. Q. Wen, S. X. Du, H. J. Gao, L. Jiang, D. B. Zhu,
“Crystalline Thin Film of a Donor-Substituted Cyanoethynylethene for Nanoscale Data Recording Through Intermolecular Charge Transfer Interactions”,
Adv. Mater. 17, 2005, 2170-2173
10. H. M. Wu, Y. L. Song, S. X. Du, H. W. Liu, H. J. Gao, L. Jiang, D. B. Zhu,
“Nanoscale Data Recording on an Organic Monolayer Film”,
Adv. Mater. 15, 2003, 1925-1929
11. Y. Pan, H. G. Zhang, D. X. Shi, J. T. Sun, S. X. Du, F. Liu, H. J. Gao,
“Highly ordered, Millimeter-scale, continuous, single crystalline graphene monolayer formed on Ru(0001)”,
Adv. Mater. 20, 2008, 1.
12. M. Feng, L. Gao, S. X. Du, Z. T. Deng, Z. H. Cheng, W. Ji, D. Q. Zhang, X. F. Guo, X. Lin, L. F. Chi, D. B. Zhu, H. Fuchs, H. J. Gao,
“Observation of structural and conductance transition of rotaxane molecules at a submolecular scale”,
Adv. Funct. Mater. 17, 2007, 770-776
13. Y. L. Wang, W. Ji, D. X. Shi, S. X. Du, Y. G. Ma, H. J. Gao, L. F. Chi, H. Fuchs,
“Structural evolution of pentacene on a Ag(110) surface”,
Phys. Rev. B 69, 2004, 075408-1-5.
14. L. H. Liang, C. M. Shen, S. X. Du, W. M. Liu, X. C. Xie, H. J. Gao,
“Increase in thermal stability induced by organic coatings on nanoparticles”,
Phys. Rev. B 70, 2004, 205419-1-5
15. G. Y. Jiang, Y. L. Song, Y. Q. Wen, W. F. Yuan, H. M. Wu, Z. Yang, A. D. Xia, M. Feng, S. X. Du, H. J. Gao, L. Jiang, D. B. Zhu,
“High-density data recording in an optoelectrical dual-responsive thin film”,
CHEMPHYSCHEM 6, 2005, 1478-1482
16. Y. Ma, Y. Q. Wen, J. X. Wang, Y. L. Shang, S. X. Du, L. D. Pan, G. Li, L. M. Yang, H. J. Gao, Y. L. Song,
“Photoelectric Cooperative High-Density Data Storage in an Organic Bilayer Thin Film“,
J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 2009, 8548-8552
17. L. Gao, J. T. Sun, Z. H. Cheng, Z. T. Deng, X. Lin, S. X. Du, H. J. Gao,
“Structural evolution at the initial growth stage of perylene on Au(111)”,
Surf. Sci. 601, 2007, 3179
18.Z. H. Cheng, L. Gao, Z. T. Deng, N. Jiang, Q. Liu, D. X. Shi, S. X. Du, H. M. Guo, H. J. Gao,
Adsorption behavior of iron phthalocyanine on Au(111) surface at submonolayer coverage,J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 2007, 9240-9244
19.Z. H. Cheng, L. Gao, Z. T. Deng, Q. Liu, N. Jiang, X. Lin, X. B. He, S. X. Du, H. J. Gao,
Epitaxial growth of iron phthalocyanine at the initial stage on Au(111) surface,J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 2007, 2656
20.W. Guo, S. X. Du, Y. Y. Zhang, W. A. Hofer, C. Seidel, L. F. Chi, H. Fuchs, H. -J. Gao,
Electrostatic Field Effect on Molecular Structures at Metal Surfaces,Surf. Sci. 2009, Accepted.