



报告地址:腾讯会议ID:  828 446 089

报告时间:2021年10月28日 13:00-14:00

报告摘要: Novel phenomena in unstable exotic nuclei, such as quantum phase transition (QPT), shape coexistence, new fission mode, etc. have brought many new physics insights in nuclear physics and, on the theoretical side, challenge established concepts and highlight shortcomings and required modifications to the current nuclear theory. The covariant density functional theory (CDFT) has achieved great success in the description of nuclear structure over almost the whole nuclide chart. However, the collective large-amplitude collective motion related to nuclear shapes and fission can only be studied by including correlations beyond the static mean field. Recently, we have developed the (time-dependent) collective Hamiltonian based on CDFT for the nuclear low-lying spectroscopy and fission dynamics, and applied to some interesting topics: (1)systematic study on shape coexistence and shape phase transitions; (2)Nuclear octupole deformations and parity doublet structure; (3)Nuclear fission of actinides.

个人简介:李志攀,2010年7月于北京大学获博士学位,随后就职西南大学工作至今,先后任特聘教授、研究员。主要从事奇特原子核谱学和核裂变的理论研究。在Phys. Rev.系列、Phys. Lett. B等刊物上合作发表学术论文80余篇。2018年入选重庆市高层次人才特殊支持计划第四批青年拔尖人才,2020年获聘“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者。